Jambalaya Spiced Liquid Butter Blend

Jambalaya Spiced Liquid Butter Blend

Need to add a bit of quick and easy Cajun hotness to a recipe? Just use this jambalaya spiced butter alternative for some instant Cajun flavor.


  • Sunglow Liquid Butter Blend - 3 Cups
  • Green onion, sliced thin - 1 Cup
  • Cajun spice - .75 Cup
  • Chopped fresh garlic - .5 Cup
  • Lemon juice - .5 Cup
  • Smoked paprika - .25 Cup
  • Worcestershire sauce - 1 Cup

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  1. In a saucepan heat a 1/4 cup of Liquid sunglow and briefly sauté the chopped garlic, then add in the green onions on low heat.
  2. Once the green onions turn a bright green and are soft in texture, add in the remainder of the ingredients.
  3. Allow the ingredients in the pan to slow cook on low heat for a few minutes approx. 5-6 minutes.

  4. Place in a clean container and allow to cool, then store in the refrigerator until needed

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